Fallout 4 holodisks and notes. Тестовый ребенок fallout 4
Fallout 4 holodisks and notes | Fallout Wiki
In Fallout 4, picking up holodisks or paper notes will add them to the "Misc" category of your Pip-Boy's "INV" screen.
For locations and transcripts please refer to the individual articles.
Name Weight Value Related quest G.E.C.K. ID Base ID
text Acquiring P.A.M. |
0 | 0 | | BoS302BIngramBackupNote | 0024800f |
text Announcement script | 0 | 0 | | Inst305Note | 0015e9ad |
Arlen's note | 0 | 0 | | REObjectSC05_DN154_Note | 00118b06 |
text Associate's note | 0 | 0 | | DN035_EasyCityDownsNote | 000cf6c5 |
Astoundingly Awesome Tales | 0 | 100 | | | |
Atom Cats custom paint job | 0 | 4000 | | DN054PowerArmorPaintJobPurchaseItem | 0023c675 |
text Bakery ticket #1 | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN049_Bake_Note01 | 000e7b28 |
Bakery ticket #2 | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN049_Bake_Note02 | 000e7b2a |
text Bakery ticket #3 | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN049_Bake_Note03 | 000e7b2b |
Bakery ticket #4 | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN049_Bake_Note04 | 000e7b2c |
Bakery ticket #5 | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN049_Bake_Note05 | 000e7b2d |
text Bakery ticket #6 | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN049_Bake_Note06 | 000e7b2e |
Bakery ticket #7 | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN049_Bake_Note07 | 000e7b2f |
text Bakery ticket #8 | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN049_Bake_Note08 | 000e7b30 |
Bakery ticket #9 | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN049_Bake_Note09 | 000e7b56 |
Bakery ticket #10 | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN049_Bake_Note10 | 000e7b57 |
text Barney's password | 0 | 0 | | DN083_Password | 002301d1 |
Bathroom note #1 | 0 | 0 | | DN112_BathroomNote02 | 00162a81 |
text Bathroom note #2 | 0 | 0 | | DN112_BathroomNote03 | 00162a84 |
Bergman's password | 0 | 0 | | RR201CodeDPassword | 0015b0ba |
Bill's letter | 0 | 0 | | InstM01_BillsLetter | 0011a0dc |
text Blood contract | 0 | 0 | | DN034_BloodContractNote | 000ac5b1 |
text Blueprints | 0 | 0 | | InstR03Blueprints | 000ed65d |
text Bottle message - difficult to kill | 0 | 0 | | MessageInABottle05 | 001da060 |
text Bottle message - need a hand | 0 | 0 | | MessageInABottle04 | 001da058 |
text Bottle message - not going well | 0 | 0 | | MessageInABottle03 | 001da050 |
text Bottle message - predator becomes prey | 0 | 0 | | MessageInABottle02 | 001da045 |
text Bottle message - trapped for days | 0 | 0 | | MessageInABottle01 | 001da03b |
text Bottle message - x marks the spot | 0 | 0 | | MessageInABottle06 | 001da063 |
text Breakroom note #1 | 0 | 0 | | DN112_BreakroomNote01 | 00162a89 |
text Breakroom note #2 | 0 | 0 | | DN112_BreakroomNote02 | 00162a8b |
text Buttercup sales | 0 | 0 | | DN154_Note_Secretary | 00118bdc |
text Caravan details | 0 | 0 | | MS17StocktonBook | 000eecb4 |
text Cargo handler's note | 0 | 0 | | DN007_LoadingDockNote | 000d8561 |
text Cooke's note | 0 | 0 | | MS13CookeNote | 00044279 |
text Covenant reminder | 0 | 0 | | MS17CovenantReminder | 000e92a4 |
text Deacon's recall code | 0 | 0 | n/a | COMDeaconRecallCode | 000f78b8 |
text Dead drop note | 0 | 0 | | DN007_DeadDropNote | 0019ede1 |
text Diary page | 0 | 0 | | DN110_GirlsDiaryNote | 000482e0 |
text Director blank | 0 | 0 | | DN015_TEMPTerminal1 | 000284e4 |
text Don't worry, sis | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN040_LilysLetter01 | 001beade |
text Dr. Forsythe's note | 0 | 0 | n/a | RESceneKMK_MS19_A_Note | 001488ff |
text Dr. Virgil's file | 0 | 0 | | MQ203DeskFolder | 00216215 |
text Dutchman's instructions | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN007_DutchmanNote | 0003e055 |
text Earl Sterling case notes | 0 | 0 | | MS07aEarlSterlingCase | 0001cad1 |
text Eddie Winter case notes | 0 | 0 | | MS07cWinterCaseFile | 00184409 |
text Eleanor's note | 0 | 0 | | POISC06_Note | 001e1f46 |
text Electromagnetic actuators list | 0 | 0 | | BoS301ActuatorList | 0002b4df |
text Esplanade mission brief | 0 | 0 | | DN102_EsplenadeMansionNote | 001add21 |
text Evacuation plan | 0 | 0 | | DN041_Note | 0018f165 |
text Experiment log J-32, day 1 | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN131_SwanLog01 | 0001b201 |
text Experiment log J-32, day 6 | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN131_SwanLog02 | 0001b202 |
text Experiment log J-32, day 14 | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN131_SwanLog03 | 0001b203 |
text Experiment log J-32, day 21 | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN131_SwanLog04 | 0001b204 |
text Fear not | 0 | 0 | | MS07b_ShemDrowneGraveNote | 001ed4f9 |
text Fear the Future? | 0 | 0 | | PublickOccurrencesArticle03 | 0021c981 |
text Federal ration stockpile password | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN040_BossPassword | 000ec357 |
text Feral ghouls in (location) | 0 | 0 | | DiamondCityWantedNoteGhouls | 00141ea4 |
text Fishing tournament ad | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN074_QuannapowittFlyer | 0001ac10 |
text Food for the grasshopper | 0 | 0 | The Gilded Grasshopper | MS07b_ShemDrowneNote | 00147d58 |
text Four Leaf Fishpacking security password | 0 | 0 | | DN047_FourLeafSecurityPassword | 000f9338 |
text Friends of the Lake mission log | 0 | 0 | | DN137_ShamrockNote | 000f73a0 |
text From Lucia | 0 | 0 | | BoSM02_Note_Clarke | 00166a6e |
text Goodbye letter | 0 | 0 | | DN132_Note03 | 001a67d6 |
text Greenetech terminal password | 0 | 0 | | DN009_SynthTerminalPassword | 0006d0e2 |
text Grognak the Barbarian | 0 | 100 | | | |
text Gruel's list | 0 | 0 | | RETravelJS01Note | 0016adb3 |
text Gunner's note | 0 | 0 | | DN102_BossNote | 000fff82 |
text Gunner's note | 0 | 0 | | RETreasureHuntSC03NoteGun | 0002b4bf |
text Guns and Bullets | 0 | 100 | | | |
text HalluciGen mission brief | 0 | 0 | | DN102_BossMissionBrief | 000fff81 |
text Helena's instructions | 0 | 0 | | DN007_HelenaNote | 0003e054 |
text Help wanted! | 0 | 0 | | DN102_HalluciGenFlyer | 001c6109 |
text Henri's instructions | 0 | 0 | | BoS301CoANote | 00065320 |
text Holotape instructions | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN070_JamaicaPlainHolotapeInstructions | 00144e70 |
text Hot Rodder | 0 | 100 | | | |
text Intervention note | 0 | 0 | n/a | RESceneJSDN062Note | 00047647 |
text Items needed - reflector platform | 0 | 0 | | MQ206BoSListReflectorPlatform | 001a7bb8 |
text Items needed - reflector platform | 0 | 0 | | MQ206MinListReflectorPlatform | 00156049 |
text Items needed - reflector platform | 0 | 0 | | MQ206RRListReflectorPlatform | 00069012 |
text Items needed - signal interceptor | 0 | 0 | | MQ206MinListCombined | 00156048 |
text Jacq's note | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN088_JacqsNote | 0008e59f |
text Jamaica Plain flyer | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN070_JamaicaPlainFlyer | 00111816 |
text Journal scrap | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN059_RaiderJournal | 00061b0f |
text Junkie's note | 0 | 0 | | RETreasureHuntSC02NoteChems | 0002b4c0 |
text La Coiffe | 0 | 100 | | | |
text Last entry | 0 | 0 | | DN097_Note | 000fa753 |
text Legal notice | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN074_QuannapowittLegalNotice | 0019ede3 |
text Letter | 0 | 0 | | | |
text Letter from Phyllis - compassion note | 0 | 0 | | DN036CompassionNote | 001d5cdf |
text Letter from Phyllis - compassion son note | 0 | 0 | | DN036CompassionSonNote | 001d5ce0 |
text Letter from Phyllis - just move on note | 0 | 0 | | DN036JustMoveOnNote | 001d5cde |
text Letter from Phyllis - Minutemen note | 0 | 0 | | DN036MinutemenNote | 001d5cdc |
text Letter from Phyllis - Railroad note | 0 | 0 | | DN036RailroadNote | 001d5cdb |
text Letter from Phyllis - tough love note | 0 | 0 | | DN036ToughLoveNote | 001d5cdd |
text Live & Love | 0 | 100 | | | |
text Lorenzo Cabot's journal | 0 | 0 | The Secret of Cabot House | CabotHouseLorenzoJournal | 001d907b |
text Macbeth script | 0 | 4 | | MS10MacbethScript | 000f61eb |
text Mama Murphy's note | 0 | 0 | | DN109_MamaMurphyNote | 001ee930 |
text Margaret's note | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN132_Note01 | 001a5854 |
image Marowski heist photo | 0 | 0 | The Marowski Heist | MS13MarowskiPhoto | 0008a1fb |
text Massachusetts Surgical Journal | 0 | 100 | | | |
text Moving Forward | 0 | 0 | | PublickOccurrencesArticle02 | 000a93d0 |
text Ness' lead | 0 | 0 | | DN123_NessNote | 0006858b |
text Note | 0 | 0 | | | |
text Note from Blackbird | 0 | 0 | Butcher's Bill 2 | RRR01bBlackbirdsNote | 000b26eb |
text Note from Brother Hoberman | 0 | 0 | The Glowing Sea | GlowingSea_COA_Virgil_Note | 0019cbae |
text Note from Eric | 0 | 0 | | DN102_2FAccountingNote | 000e523b |
text Note to Tweez | 0 | 0 | | DN147_DoorNote | 001a7697 |
text Notice to Slocum's Joe | 0 | 0 | | DN124_NoticeToSlocumsJoe | 001ccf69 |
text Notice to WRVR | 0 | 0 | | MS10_RadioTowerNote | 001cc1c2 |
text Office duties | 0 | 0 | | GlowingSeaPOIDB02Note | 00191670 |
text Office note | 0 | 0 | | DN154_Note_Reception | 0002bd3b |
text Orders | 0 | 0 | | POIDL001_TankNote | 001e80aa |
text Park sign in | 0 | 0 | | DN097_Note02 | 00055e6a |
text Patriot's suicide letter | 0 | 0 | | RRPatriotSuicideNote | 001506e1 |
text Penny's ledger | 0 | 1 | | MS17ShopBook | 000e92a8 |
text Phyllis's note | 0 | 0 | | DN036CovenantNote | 001d5ce6 |
text Picket Fences | 0 | 100 | | | |
text Pickman's a psycho! cut | 0 | 0 | | FFGoodneighbor05Note | cut 000727f0 |
text Pickman's calling card | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN101_PickmanCallingCardNote | 00152ae6 |
text Pickman's calling card | 0 | 0 | n/a | RESceneCC_DN101Note | 00030050 |
text Pickman's thank you note | 0 | 0 | Pickman's Gift | DN101_PickmanNote | 0015076c |
text Pillars of the Community flier | 0 | 0 | n/a | MS09PrewarCultFlier | 00052502 |
text Power armor frame | 0 | 2000 | | PowerArmorFramePurchaseItemAtomCats | 0021a6a4 |
text Power armor frame | 0 | 2000 | | PowerArmorFramePurchaseItemBoS | 001f4265 |
text Power armor frame | 0 | 2000 | | PowerArmorFramePurchaseItemDC | 00218c51 |
text Power armor frame | 0 | 2000 | | PowerArmorFramePurchaseItemGood | 00218c4d |
text Priority kill orders | 0 | 0 | Tactical Thinking | BoS302BKillList | 0014a0e6 |
text Quincy survivor's note | 0 | 0 | | POISC_Note01 | 001f22ef |
text Racetrack advertisement | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN035_EasyCityDownsFlyer | 001c6108 |
text Raider report | 0 | 1 | | MS17RaiderReports | 000ed4ca |
text Raider's advice | 0 | 0 | | DN131_Commons_Note03 | 001ad774 |
text Raider's note | 0 | 0 | | RETreasureHuntSC01NoteCaps | 0002b4be |
text Raiders in (location) | 0 | 0 | n/a | DiamondCityWantedNoteRaiders | 00141833 |
text Reactor coolant list | 0 | 0 | | BoSPostCoolantNote | 0017be80 |
text Recall codes | 0 | 0 | | Inst302Note | 001e67bf |
text Red! It's Lily! | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN040_LilysLetter04 | 001beae1 |
text Red! Send food! | 0 | 0 | | DN040_LilysLetter03 | 001beae0 |
text Reminder | 0 | 0 | | DN154_Note_Arlen | 0011a00a |
text Report | 0 | 0 | | InstR05MayorsReport | 000f0dd9 |
text Resignation letter | 0 | 0 | | DN154_Note_Marc01 | 00118b17 |
text Richard's note | 0 | 0 | | CambridgeDeadNewsieNote | 000c97cc |
text RobCo Fun | 0 | 100 | | | |
text Russell's note | 0 | 0 | | DN132_Note02 | 001a5857 |
text SAFE report | 0 | 1 | | MS17SAFEStats | 000ed4c9 |
text Scavenger's lead | 0 | 0 | | DN160_Scavenger01Note | 0018ac46 |
text Scavenger's list | 0 | 0 | | DN160_Scavenger03Note | 0018ac48 |
text Scavenger's note | 0 | 0 | | DN160_Scavenger02Note | 0018ac47 |
text Scavenger's note | 0 | 0 | | RETreasureHuntSC04NoteScrap | 0002b4c2 |
text Scrapper's note | 0 | 0 | | DN035_EasyCityDownsRobotNote | 0013888e |
text Settler's note | 0 | 0 | | RETreasureHuntSC05NoteTech | 0002b4c1 |
text Signal checklist | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN127SignalNote | 0014f73c |
text Signal interceptor - items needed | 0 | 0 | | MQ206BoSListCombined | 001a7bb9 |
text Signal interceptor - items needed | 0 | 0 | | MQ206RRListCombined | 00069011 |
text Signed, your neighbors | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN063_ScuttersNote | 001f4d15 |
image Silver Shroud photo | 0 | 0 | | MS04_CollectibleSilverShroudPhoto | 0018ac1e |
text Silverhand's note | 0 | 0 | | DN070_NoteLuke | 00111825 |
text Skylanes smuggling manifest | 0 | 0 | | DN123_CargoManifest | 001957b1 |
text Skylanes smuggling manifest | 0 | 0 | n/a | GlowingSeaPOIDB01_CargoManifest | 001957b2 |
text Sleepwalker's note | 0 | 0 | | POISC_Note03 | 001f7b00 |
text Sleepwalking note | 0 | 0 | | DN100SleepwalkingNote | 0010a346 |
text Snack bar note | 0 | 0 | | TheSlog_NoteTim | 001c6bc1 |
text State House note | 0 | 0 | | DN170_ScavengerNote | 001b2e19 |
text Status report | 0 | 0 | | InstR01StatusReport | 000e8d66 |
text Storage password | 0 | 0 | | DN020_Password | 000e56ff |
text Suicide note | 0 | 0 | | DN015_Note | 001b01c0 |
text Suicide note | 0 | 0 | | POISC_Note02 | 001f22f0 |
text Super mutant letter | 0 | 0 | | DN150_Note | 0011396e |
text Super mutants in (location) | 0 | 0 | | DiamondCityWantedNoteSuperMutants | 00141e9d |
text Supermutant's orders | 0 | 0 | n/a | RESupermutantRaidNoteGeneric | 00118b22 |
text Supply log | 0 | 0 | | BoSM02_Note_SupplyLog | 00166a8f |
text Surgery receipt | 0 | 0 | | MS07aReceipt | 000347d5 |
text Swan's note | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN131_SwanLog05 | 0001b205 |
text Taboo Tattoos | 0 | 100 | | | |
text Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor | 0 | 100 | | | |
text Technician's journal page | 0 | 0 | | DN017_JunkjetNote | 001c6107 |
text Technician's note | 0 | 0 | | Vault81OldOverseerTerminalNote | 00223cf6 |
text Tesla Science Magazine | 0 | 100 | | | |
text The Boogeyman banished? | 0 | 0 | | PublickOccurrencesArticle04 | 0021c982 |
text The Mysterious Stranger | 0 | 0 | | ValentineCaseFile_MysteriousStranger | 001c2294 |
text The Synthetic Truth | 0 | 0 | | PublickOccurrencesArticle01 | 0012cf27 |
text To my big sister Red | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN040_LilysLetter02 | 001beadf |
text Toll schedule | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN059_RaiderTolls | 001079ae |
text Torn journal page | 0 | 0 | | DN070_NoteTanya | 00111824 |
text Torn letter | 0 | 0 | | DN131_Commons_Note02 | 000668d1 |
text Torn letter | 0 | 0 | | REPostman_DN102_HalluciGen | 001c6162 |
text Torn note | 0 | 0 | | DN131_Commons_Note01 | 0001b1ff |
text Total Hack | 0 | 100 | | | |
text Trashbusters Award | 0 | 0 | n/a | DN111_RedRocketCaveNote | 0008ccf9 |
text Trish's note | 0 | 0 | Diamond City Blues | MS13TrishNote | 0004427a |
text Tumbler's Today | 0 | 100 | | | |
text U.S. Covert Operations Manual | 0 | 100 | | | |
text Unstoppables | 0 | 100 | | | |
text View from the Vault, Part 1 | 0 | 0 | n/a | Publick_Interview_01A | 000a0783 |
text View from the Vault, Part 1 | 0 | 0 | n/a | Publick_Interview_01B | 000a0784 |
text View from the Vault, Part 1 | 0 | 0 | n/a | Publick_Interview_01C | 000a0785 |
text View from the Vault, Part 2 | 0 | 0 | n/a | Publick_Interview_02A | 000a0786 |
text View from the Vault, Part 2 | 0 | 0 | n/a | Publick_Interview_02B | 000a0787 |
text View from the Vault, Part 2 | 0 | 0 | n/a | Publick_Interview_02C | 000a0788 |
text View from the Vault, Part 2 | 0 | 0 | n/a | Publick_Interview_02D | 000a0789 |
text View from the Vault, Part 3 | 0 | 0 | n/a | Publick_Interview_03A | 000a4751 |
text View from the Vault, Part 3 | 0 | 0 | n/a | Publick_Interview_03B | 000a4752 |
text View from the Vault, Part 3 | 0 | 0 | n/a | Publick_Interview_03C | 000a4753 |
text Virgil's letter | 0 | 0 | | DN053_NoteVirgilCured | 0014572f |
text Warning | 0 | 0 | | DN154_Note_Marc02 | 00118b19 |
sound Wasteland Survival Guide | 0 | 100 | | | |
text Wattz flyer | 0 | 0 | | RETravelRJ02_Note | 001ab2ed |
text Wellingham's recipe | 0 | 0 | The Devil's Due | MS05BDeathclawRecipe | 001a71e8 |
Fallout 4 consumables | Fallout Wiki
Some food items can be planted in player settlements to increase the settlement's food supply. In Survival mode food must be consumed periodically to reduce the Hunger effect, if neglected the player's Fatigue will increase and eventually will lead to taking damage to Hit Points. Most types of food will reduce hunger by some amount, though certain foods are more effective than others.
These consumable items can heal the player, temporarily change the player's SPECIAL stats and add various other unique effects. Some of these drinks can be crafted at Chemistry stations found across the Commonwealth. To create the ice cold variants of certain beverages, they must be placed in Buddy for 12 in-game hours. In the add-on Nuka-World, the player can craft different Nuka-Cola recipes using Nuka-mixer stations. When drinking alcoholic consumables such as beer and wine, there's a chance the player can become addicted, which will result in decreased stats until the addiction is cured. To prevent addiction, the Party Boy/Girl perk must be leveled.
Image Name HP Restore AP Boost Effect Rads Weight Value Addiction Recipe Base ID
 | Beer | 0 | 0 | STR +1,CHR +1,INT -1 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Comp. | 0011ea93 |
 | Blood pack | 50 | 0 | | 0 | 0.1 | 10 | No | Comp. | 00052409 |
 | Bobrov's Best moonshine | 0 | 25 | STR +1,CHR +1,INT -1 for 300s (5m) | 0 | 0.5 | 30 | Yes | No | 00050c28 |
 | Bourbon | 0 | 0 | STR +1,END +1,INT -1 for 240s (4m) | 0 | 1 | 7 | Yes | Comp. | 000366c4 |
 | Deezer's Lemonade | 50 | 0 | | 0 | 0.5 | 1 | No | No | 000e9284 |
 | Dirty Wastelander | 0 | 0 | STR +3,CHR +1,INT -2 for 300s (5m) | 0 | 0.5 | 10 | Yes | Yes | 00101295 |
 | Dirty water | 20 | 0 | | 7 | 0.5 | 5 | No | Comp. | 000366bf |
 | Drugged water | 20 | 0 | PER -1 for 120s (2m) | 7 | 0.5 | 8 | No | No | 000a4944 |
 | Glowing blood pack | 40% | 0 | Radiation Resistance +75 for 600s (10m) | 0 | 0.1 | 30 | No | Yes | 00058ab4 |
 | Gwinnett ale | 0 | 0 | STR +1,CHR +1,INT -1 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Comp. | 000f932c |
 | Gwinnett brew | 0 | 0 | STR +1,CHR +1,INT -1 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Comp. | 000f932d |
 | Gwinnett lager | 0 | 0 | STR +1,CHR +1,INT -1 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Comp. | 000f932b |
 | Gwinnett pale | 0 | 0 | STR +1,CHR +1,INT -1 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Comp. | 000f9329 |
 | Gwinnett pilsner | 0 | 0 | STR +1,CHR +1,INT -1 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Comp. | 000f932a |
 | Gwinnett stout | 0 | 0 | STR +1,CHR +1,INT -1 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Comp. | 00022792 |
 | Ice cold beer | 0 | 35 | STR +1,CHR +1,INT -1 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Yes | 00178b1d |
 | Ice cold Gwinnett ale | 0 | 35 | STR +1,CHR +1,INT -1 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Yes | 00178b17 |
 | Ice cold Gwinnett brew | 0 | 35 | STR +1,CHR +1,INT -1 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Yes | 00178b18 |
 | Ice cold Gwinnett lager | 0 | 35 | STR +1,CHR +1,INT -1 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Yes | 00178b19 |
 | Ice cold Gwinnett pale | 0 | 35 | STR +1,CHR +1,INT -1 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Yes | 00178b1a |
 | Ice cold Gwinnett pilsner | 0 | 35 | STR +1,CHR +1,INT -1 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Yes | 00178b1b |
 | Ice cold Gwinnett stout | 0 | 35 | STR +1,CHR +1,INT -1 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Yes | 00178b1c |
 | Ice cold Newka-ColaNuka-World (add-on) | 250 | 75 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0052af |
 | Ice cold Nuka-BerryNuka-World (add-on) | 250 | 75 | | -528 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502a9 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-BombdropNuka-World (add-on) | 0 | 0 | STR +1,END +1,AGI +1 | 0 | 1 | 20 | Yes | Yes | xx0502ac |
 | Ice cold Nuka-BuzzNuka-World (add-on) | 40 | 150 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502b2 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-Cherry | 75 | 35 | | 5 | 1 | 40 | No | Yes | 00178b24 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-CideNuka-World (add-on) | 1800 | 360 | Max AP +20, max HP +50, Radiation Resistance +35, Carry Weight +35 | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502b4 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-Cola | 45 | 20 | | 5 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | 00178b23 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-Cola DarkNuka-World (add-on) | 0 | 0 | STR +1, END +1, PER -1 | 0 | 1 | 50 | No | Yes | xx02ade9 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-Cola OrangeNuka-World (add-on) | 150 | 50 | Radiation Resistance +25 | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx02edad |
 | Ice cold Nuka-Cola Quantum | 650 | 125 | | 5 | 1 | 50 | No | Yes | 00178b25 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-Cola QuartzNuka-World (add-on) | 0 | 360 | | 15 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx02edaf |
 | Ice cold Nuka-Cola VictoryNuka-World (add-on) | 1020 | 0 | | 15 | 1 | 40 | No | Yes | xx02edb0 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-Cola WildNuka-World (add-on) | 30 | 10 | | 5 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx02edb1 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-FancyNuka-World (add-on) | 130 | 125 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502b7 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-FreeNuka-World (add-on) | 150 | 0 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502ba |
 | Ice cold Nuka-FruttiNuka-World (add-on) | 250 | 75 | Radiation Resistance +25 | -500 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502bd |
 | Ice cold Nuka-GrapeNuka-World (add-on) | 130 | 75 | | -400 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx02edab |
 | Ice cold Nuka-HeartyNuka-World (add-on) | 200 | 50 | Carry Weight +35 | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502c0 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-LixirNuka-World (add-on) | 150 | 0 | Damage Resistance +35, Radiation Resistance +30 | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502c3 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-LoveNuka-World (add-on) | 150 | 300 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502c6 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-PowerNuka-World (add-on) | 0 | 0 | Carry Weight +60 | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502c9 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-PunchNuka-World (add-on) | 100 | 50 | Max AP +10, max HP +30 | -540 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502cc |
 | Ice cold Nuka-RayNuka-World (add-on) | 1200 | 0 | Radiation Resistance +25 | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502cf |
 | Ice cold Nuka-RushNuka-World (add-on) | 1200 | 50 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502d2 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-SunriseNuka-World (add-on) | 150 | 75 | Radiation Resistance +25 | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502d8 |
 | Ice cold Nuka-TwinNuka-World (add-on) | 150 | 50 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502db |
 | Ice cold Nuka-VoidNuka-World (add-on) | 0 | 0 | Carry Weight +25, max HP +30, max AP +10 | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502de |
 | Ice cold Nuka-XtremeNuka-World (add-on) | 0 | 0 | Max AP +10, max HP +30 | -600 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx0502e1 |
 | Ice cold VimFar_Harbor_(add-on) | 55 | 10 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx054281 |
 | Ice cold Vim Captain's BlendFar_Harbor_(add-on) | 700 | 120 | CHR -2, Sea creatures are more reluctant to attack for 120s (2m) | 0 | 1 | 50 | No | Yes | xx054282 |
 | Ice cold Vim QuartzFar_Harbor_(add-on) | 75 | 35 | Carry Weight +20 for 300s (5m) | 0 | 1 | 40 | No | Yes | xx054284 |
 | Ice cold Vim RefreshFar_Harbor_(add-on) | 75 | 60 | | 5 | 1 | 50 | No | Yes | xx054286 |
 | Institute bottled water | 40 | 0 | | 0 | 0.5 | 15 | No | No | 0021681d |
 | Irradiated blood | 50 | 0 | | 20 | 0.3 | 50 | No | Comp. | 000e2f68 |
 | Newka-ColaNuka-World (add-on) | 200 | 50 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx030eff |
 | Nuka-BerryNuka-World (add-on) | 200 | 50 | | -500 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx030efd |
 | Nuka-BombdropNuka-World (add-on) | 0 | 0 | STR +1, END +1, AGI +1 | 0 | 1 | 20 | Yes | Yes | xx03b8b4 |
 | Nuka-BuzzNuka-World (add-on) | 35 | 125 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx030f02 |
 | Nuka-Cherry | 50 | 25 | | 5 | 1 | 40 | No | Comp. | 00048360 |
 | Nuka-CideNuka-World (add-on) | 1200 | 300 | Max AP +20, max HP +50, Radiation Resistance +35, Carry Weight +35 | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx030ef6 |
 | Nuka-Cola | 20 | 10 | | 5 | 1 | 20 | No | Comp. | 0004835d |
 | Nuka-Cola DarkNuka-World (add-on) | 0 | 0 | STR +1, END +1, PER -1 | 0 | 1 | 50 | Yes | Comp. | xx024536 |
 | Nuka-Cola OrangeNuka-World (add-on) | 100 | 50 | Radiation Resistance +25 | 0 | 1 | 24 | No | Comp. | xx02453a |
 | Nuka-Cola Quantum | 400 | 100 | | 5 | 1 | 50 | No | Comp. | 0004835f |
 | Nuka-Cola QuartzNuka-World (add-on) | 0 | 240 | | 15 | 1 | 40 | No | Comp. | xx024538 |
 | Nuka-Cola VictoryNuka-World (add-on) | 840 | 0 | | 15 | 1 | 40 | No | Comp. | xx024544 |
 | Nuka-Cola WildNuka-World (add-on) | 20 | 20 | | 5 | 1 | 20 | No | Comp. | xx02453d |
 | Nuka-CoolerNuka-World (add-on) | 1200 | 349 | Max AP +20, max HP +50 | 5 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx030efa |
 | Nuka-FancyNuka-World (add-on) | 100 | 100 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx030f01 |
 | Nuka-FreeNuka-World (add-on) | 130 | 0 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx042c39 |
 | Nuka-FruttiNuka-World (add-on) | 200 | 50 | Radiation Resistance +25 | -500 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx03b8b3 |
 | Nuka-GrapeNuka-World (add-on) | 150 | 50 | | -400 | 1 | 20 | No | Comp. | xx024534 |
 | Nuka-HeartyNuka-World (add-on) | 150 | 50 | Carry Weight +25 | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx042c3d |
 | Nuka-LixirNuka-World (add-on) | 100 | 0 | Radiation Resistance +25, Damage Resistance +35 | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx042c41 |
 | Nuka-LoveNuka-World (add-on) | 100 | 300 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx030efc |
 | Nuka-PowerNuka-World (add-on) | 0 | 0 | Carry Weight +60 | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx030efe |
 | Nuka-PunchNuka-World (add-on) | 100 | 50 | Max AP +10, may HP +30 | -500 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx030ef7 |
 | Nuka-RayNuka-World (add-on) | 999 | 0 | Radiation Resistance +25 | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx03b8b2 |
 | Nuka-RushNuka-World (add-on) | 999 | 40 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx030ef8 |
 | Nuka-SunriseNuka-World (add-on) | 100 | 50 | Radiation Resistance +25 | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx042c43 |
 | Nuka-TwinNuka-World (add-on) | 100 | 50 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx030f00 |
 | Nuka-VoidNuka-World (add-on) | 0 | 0 | Max AP +10, max HP +30, Carry Weight +25 | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx030efb |
 | Nuka-XtremeNuka-World (add-on) | 0 | 0 | Max AP +10, max HP +30 | -500 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes | xx030ef9 |
 | Poisoned wine | 0 | 0 | STR, +1 INT, -1 Max AP +15 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 50 | Yes | No | 001ad736 |
 | Purified water | 40 | 0 | | 0 | 0.5 | 20 | No | Comp. | 000366c0 |
 | Refreshing beverage | 500 | 0 | Cure all addictions | -1000/-100 (Survival mode) | 0.5 | 110 | No | Yes | 00058ab8 |
 | Rum | 0 | 0 | STR +1 INT -1, AGI +1 for 240s (4m) | 0 | 1 | 8 | Yes | Comp. | 00145857 |
 | VimFar_Harbor_(add-on) | 30 | 10 | | 0 | 1 | 20 | No | Yes/Comp. | xx008833 |
 | Vim Captain's BlendFar_Harbor_(add-on) | 600 | 100 | CHR -2, Sea creatures are more reluctant to attack for 120s (2m) | 0 | 1 | 50 | No | Yes/Comp. | xx0088a6 |
 | Vim QuartzFar_Harbor_(add-on) | 75 | 25 | Carry weight +15 for 300s (5m) | 0 | 1 | 40 | No | Yes/Comp. | xx0088a8 |
 | Vim RefreshFar_Harbor_(add-on) | 50 | 35 | AP recovery boosted by +10AP/s for 60s (1m) | 0 | 1 | 40 | No | Yes/Comp. | xx0088aa |
 | Vodka | 0 | 0 | STR +1, INT -1, Max HP +25 for 240s (4m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Comp. | 000366c3 |
 | Ware's BrewFar_Harbor_(add-on) | 100 | 0 | | -100 | 0.5 | 12 | No | Yes | xx02b5d4 (cons.)xx043477 (item) |
 | Whiskey | 0 | 0 | STR +2, INT -1 for 240s (4m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | Comp. | 000366c1 |
 | Wine | 0 | 0 | STR +2, INT -1, Max AP +15 for 180s (3m) | 0 | 1 | 5 | Yes | No | 000366c2 |
Different chems can restore Hit Points, slow time, temporarily change the player's SPECIAL stats and a variety of other effects. Many of these chems can be crafted at Chemistry stations located all across the Commonwealth. It's possible to become addicted to some chems, which will result in decreased stats until the addiction is cured. To prevent addiction, the Chem Resistant perk must be leveled.
Image Name Effect Weight Value Addiction Recipe Base ID
 | Addictol | Cure all addictions | 0.1 | 125 | No | No | 000459c5 |
 | Agile sludgepakFar Harbor (add-on) | AP recovery boosted by +5AP/s at 150-300 rads, +10AP/s at 300-500 rads, +15AP/s at 500-800 rads, or +20AP/s at 800+ rads for 720s (12m) | 0.1 | 48 | No | Yes | xx048bd4 |
 | Antibiotics | Cure all illnesses | 0.1 | 75 | No | Yes | 000008ab00249f2c |
 | Berry Mentats | INT +5, Highlights living targets for 480s (8m) | 0.1 | 60 | Yes | Yes | 000518bb |
 | Buffjet | STR +3, END +3, Max HP +65, Max AP +35, Slows time for 15s | 0.1 | 75 | Yes | Yes | 00058aa3 |
 | Buffout | STR +2, END +2, Max HP +50 for 300s (5m) | 0.1 | 45 | Yes | Comp. | 00033778 |
 | Bufftats | STR +3, PER +3, END +3, Max HP +65 for 480s (8m) | 0.1 | 75 | Yes | Yes | 00058aa5 |
 | Calmex | PER +3, AGI +3, sneak attack multiplier x2 for 480s (8m) | 0.1 | 100 | Yes | No | 00058aa7 |
 | Daddy-O | PER +3, CHR -2, INT +3 for 600s (10m) | 0.1 | 50 | Yes | No | 00156d0b |
 | Day Tripper | STR -2, CHR +3, LCK +3 for 300s (5m) | 0.1 | 40 | Yes | No | 00150729 |
 | Durable sludgepakFar Harbor (add-on) | Damage Resistance increases +25 at 150-300 rads, +50 at 300-500 rads, +75 at 500-800 rads, or +100 at 800+ rads for 720s (12m) | 0.1 | 48 | No | Yes | xx04b4bb |
 | Fire BellyFar Harbor (add-on) | Damage dealt +10% at 50%-75% health, damage dealt +20% at 25%-50% health, damage dealt +30% below 25% health for 480s (8m) | 0.1 | 48 | Yes | Yes | xx04b5fa |
 | Fury | PER -5, Melee Damage +50%, Damage Resistance +25, for 480s (8m) | 0.1 | 70 | Yes | Yes | 000628ca |
 | Grape Mentats | CHR +5, Buy for 10% lower, Sell for 10% Higher for 480s (8m) | 0.1 | 60 | Yes | Yes | 0010129a |
 | Herbal anodyne | Resist insomnia and weakness for 3600s (60m) | 0.5 | 20 | No | Yes | 00249f8e |
 | Herbal antimicrobial | Resist infection and parasites for 3600s (60m) | 0.5 | 20 | No | Yes | 00249f8f |
 | Herbal stimulant | Resist fatigue and lethargy for 3600s (60m) | 0.5 | 20 | No | Yes | 00249f8d |
 | Jet | Slows time for 10s | 0.1 | 50 | Yes | Yes/Comp. | 000366c5 |
 | Jet Fuel | Max AP +35, AP recovery boosted by +10AP/s for 480s (8m) | 0.1 | 60 | Yes | Yes | 000518d0 |
 | Med-X | Damage Resistance +25 and Poison Resistance +250 for 300s (5m) | 0.1 | 50 | Yes | Comp. | 00033779 |
 | Mentats | PER +2, INT +2 for 300s (5m) | 0.1 | 50 | Yes | Yes/Comp. | 0003377b |
 | Mysterious serum | STR +5, Damage Resistance +50, -10 Rads/s for 3600s (60m) | 0.1 | 25 | No | No | 000ec4f7 |
 | Orange Mentats | PER +5, Vats accuracy +10% for 480s (8m) | 0.1 | 60 | Yes | Yes | 000518c5 |
 | Overdrive | Damage +25%, Critical Chance +25% for 480s (8m) | 0.1 | 55 | Yes | Yes | 00058aad |
 | Psycho | Damage +25%, Damage Resistance +25 for 300s (5m) | 0.1 | 50 | Yes | Yes/Comp. | 0003377d |
 | Psycho jet | Max AP +35, Damage +25%, Damage Resistance +35, Slows time for 15s | 0.1 | 70 | Yes | Yes | 00058aa8 |
 | Psychobuff | STR +3, END +3, Max HP +65, Damage +25% for 480s (8m) | 0.1 | 70 | Yes | Yes | 00058aac |
 | Psychotats | PER +3, Damage +25%, Damage Resistance +15 for 480s (8m) | 0.1 | 70 | Yes | Yes | 00058aaa |
 | Rad-X | Radiation Resistance +100 for 180s (3m) | 0.1 | 40 | No | No | 00024057 |
 | RadAway | Rads -300 | 0.1 | 80 | No | Yes/Comp. | 00023742 |
 | Resilient sludge cocktailFar Harbor (add-on) | Max HP+75, Radiation Resistance -150 for 720s (12m) | 0.5 | 12 | No | Yes | xx054452 |
 | Skeeto Spit | Max HP +25 for 1200s (20m) | 0.1 | 40 | No | Yes | 00058abc |
 | Smooth OperatorNuka-World (add-on) | Buy for 10% lower, sell for 10% higher, CHR +3 | 0.1 | 60 | | Yes | xx023e61 |
 | Stimpak | HP +30% | 0 | 48 | No | Yes/Comp. | 00023736 |
 | Strong sludge cocktailFar Harbor (add-on) | STR +1 at 150-300 rads, +2 at 300-500 rads, +3 at 500-700 rads, +4 at 700-900 rads, or +5 at 900+ rads for 720s (12m) | 0.5 | 12 | No | Yes | xx04b4b5 |
 | Ultra jet | Max AP +100, Slows time for 15s | 0.1 | 67 | Yes | Yes | 00101299 |
 | Vault 81 cure | HP +50%, Cures Mole rat disease | 0.3 | 400 | No | No | 00055f10 |
 | X-111 compound | Rads -600 | 0.3 | 40 | No | Yes | 0007238f |
 | X-cell | STR +2, PER +2, END +2, CHR +2, INT +2, AGI +2, LCK +2 | 0.1 | 60 | Yes | No | 001506f4 |
These are consumable items that are considered non-edible and not a chem.
Fallout 4 bugs | Fallout Wiki
This page lists bugs in Fallout 4. |
  | - Clipping issues (i.e. items poking through one another) and typos are not notable. All other bugs are notable.
- The main bug page should not contain duplicate listings from individual article pages. Entries should be moved to the appropriate page.
- Please observe the editing guideline. In particular, do not use first-person or forum-style speech.
Achievement bugs
Far Harbor
Vault-Tec Workshop
- ps4

The achievement Vault Dweller won't recognize achievement when equipping Vault 88 and Pip Boy on a Settler.[verified] - ps4

Sometimes all Vault 88 dwellers all quit their assignments and have to be reassigned.[verified]
Add-on-specific bugs
- pc

When choosing a location to dismiss an automatron while in a settlement, they sometimes may not go to the chosen destination, but will instead remain in place. Recruiting and dismissing again can fix it. [verified] - pc

There is a chance a built automatron companion might not follow the player and instead disappear. Recruiting another companion and sending the automatron to a settlement can fix it sometimes, although it is not guaranteed. If a robot workbench is available in the vicinity, it can be used to "call back" the automatron by choosing it in the first menu as if going to customize it, however, the robot needs to be nearby, which is not always the case. [verified] - [platforms tag needed] Sometimes, when a companion robot has the sentry torso and overheats, the game will freeze and will need to be reloaded. [verification overdue]
- pc

Sometimes, a constructed automatron can revert to its default parts (unarmored protectron) without warning or reason. Dismissed bots and bots assigned to a settlement are both prone to this bug. Parts added to the automatron are not recoverable once the bot reverts to its default state. [verified]
General advice and notes
Game mechanics
Perk bugs
Weapon mods
Power armor bugs
Gameplay bugs
- pc

Issue when scrapping the bed in Home Plate results in never being able to receive the temporary well rested perk.[verified] - pc

Issue when in build mode you may not be able to place many or all of the items you have access to even though you have required perks and plenty of resources and the build limit is not reached. Once you have this issue it affects all settlements. Deleting items makes little difference. Almost as though the game is sharing one invisible build limit for all settlements.[verified] - pc

While in third-person mode, with a weapon drawn, any small movement either with the left stick of a controller, or with walk enabled on PC, will cause any camera/crosshair movement to freeze for a moment. [verified] [2] - xboxone

Sometimes text options do not show up in dialogue and NPC comments that the player character has not responded. A response can be selected by pressing the correct button but the text doesn't appear. [verified] - pc

If player character changes their name inside Vault 111 before taking the lift to the surface, the player character can not walk off platform or enter the Pip-Boy. Looking, jumping, and shooting functions still work. [verified] - ps4

Unable to draw a weapon, use grenades, or pull up VATS after fast traveling. Fixed by zooming out into 3rd person view then back into 1st person view. [verified] - pc

Assigning settlers to a resource can cause the whole settlement to reset forcing you to reassign everything, because the settlers will not self assign.[verified] - pc

Loading a save at the same time as the character would become crippled (for example by an explosion) will result in the player character also being crippled. If reloading the save again, they are no longer crippled.[verification overdue] - ps4

The player character stops moving in 3rd person camera after walking or running.[verified] - xboxone

Random issue with being unable to reload weapons. Switching to a different weapon and back automatically reloads the weapon. Fix: Fire a bolt action weapon (such as a bolt-action pipe pistol or a hunting rifle) and reload the weapon. All weapons should be able to reload after that.[verified] - ps4

When putting down items in workshop mode: if the item flips around too much it will become blurry, and can also cause the whole field of vision to become blurry. To fix delete the item and try to put it down again without flipping it around.[verified] - pc

Food resource structures will become unclickable and useless, and settlers will not acknowledge the item as a food source. Seems to only happen if placed too close to a another structure or food source and may clear on its own to reoccur later.[verified] - xboxone

Items may levitate off the ground and become unplaceable in the settlement workbench. This may be corrected by restartng the game.[verified] - pc

When reloading while moving in third-person, the character occasionally will continuously restart the reload animation until you stop moving or switch to first-person view. If this happens with a laser musket, the laser musket will continue to be cranked after each animation restart. [verification overdue] - pc

The Two Shot affix for legendary weapons has no accuracy penalty when aiming down ironsights, but it does when firing from the hip.[verification overdue] - pc

Settlement NPCs will not stand at their store/trade post but will still sell goods when found.[verified] - pc

Falling and immediately landing (e.g. walking off a ledge) while throwing a grenade can cause the landing animation to happen (often) while walking, interrupting grenades/mines and melee attacks. [verification overdue] - xboxone

Radiation storms interfere with bombardment causing them to have no effect. [verified] - pc

When loading a saved game, a very loud gun shot noise will sound just as you enter the saved game. [verified] - pc

In some rare instances the player will receive continuous health drop damage and be unable to fast travel/sleep/wait. This happened after fighting enemies with flamethrower at Saugus Ironworks. Fixed by getting the player character to purposely take fire damage. [verified] - pc

Glow-sighted weapons sometimes activate the same 'target tracking' as a recon scope if the enemy is sighted down it at close range. [verification overdue] - ps4

Sometimes in build mode, if the player has resources to build just one of the selected item, it may not display nor will the option to build it will appear. Getting enough resources to build a second one will fix it. The glitch happens due to items in inventory that are quest items, but the items cannot be broken down to base resources, yet are shown in available resources.[verified] - ps4

Certain items (e.g. vault Tech Hamper) in the workshop may not be able to be placed due to the game showing a lack of necessary resource items to create said item despite all other items using the same resources state you have more then enough to build the item. You may also notice the same (non-buildable) items showing different values of available resources (i.e. lower) for building compared to other items with like resource needs. This is due to the game mechanics not breaking down the required junk items in the workshop inventory to build said items and seems to be connected to all the Vault-Tec add-on items or possibly the Scrapper level 2 Perk. [verification overdue] - A workaround for this is to simply remove the needed junk items containing said resources from the workshop to your Pip Boy inventory, drop them on the ground and manually break down the items yourself through the "scrapping" option while in workshop mode. Effectively these "broken down" resources are now what's required to build a troubled item as the workshop will no longer do this for you. (for troubled items only) Shipments of materials will also not be broken down automatically to create troubled items and must be broken down by other means into their respective resource before registering as a value for a troubled workshop item.
- ps4

When in conversation with a NPC, no options are displayed and conversation is frozen for a short period of time. [verified] - To fix this, reload a previous save.
[platforms tag needed] When you die while activating VATS at the same time. There is a possibility of you surviving with 0 health. After that you can heal and continue. [verification overdue] xboxone
There is a bug with the Blitz perk where sometimes the player will not move but will still attack their enemy after targeting them in V.A.T.S. This usually occurs when targeting enemies from behind waist-high obstacles. [verified]
- pc

Switching between first and third-person while reloading will cause the animation will reset.[verified] - xboxone

Sometimes, an NPC may drop two of the same weapon upon death. After looting both weapons and looking away, a third additional weapon will appear in their inventory. [verified] - ps4

Hostile NPCs (e.g. super mutants and raiders) may respawn in their "last died as" pose. They will have normal HP, stealth detection and possibly AI, but their model will be motionless. They can be killed through V.A.T.S or by directly attacking them; however, occasionally, upon killing them, their bodies will fly off and become stuck on nearby objects (or back in whatever they were laying on) making it impossible to loot the body. Attacking the stuck enemy with a weapon/perk that explodes the corpse into pieces (e.g. Cryolator) will make it possible to loot from the body chunks. [verified] - pc

Containers that have continuous random items may become owned by a random encounter NPC, after which any random items generated are owned by that random encounter NPC and have to be stolen. (e.g. dufflebag in back of truck next to Mass Fusion containment shed. [verification overdue] - ps4

When you assign a settler to a job they won't do it.[verified] - ps4

Unholstering a weapon or switching between them may not register for several seconds, effectively locking up the player's arms and making attacking impossible. If you attempt to fix this by switching to a different weapon it will not resolve the freeze but instead result in an almost lag like situation where the first weapon is eventually selected, followed quickly by the second. All other physical movement is unaffected. [verified] - pc

Any armor modifications that affect the player's movement speed do not apply in 3rd person. This includes standard movement, sprinting, and sneak speed alteration effects. [verification overdue] This bug can be most easily noticed by wearing a full set of armor with the "Sleek" armor mod applied to them and sneaking, or by modifying both legs of a set of power armor with the "Overdriven" modification and sprinting. - ps4

If you take 2 or more small light boxes (may work with large ones, its just better to use the small ones for this) and pick them up at once, any wires connected to them will cease to be, you can move the boxes freely, which can be used to get wires up floors without building around to the stairs and such. [verified] - However sometimes the wires will get stuck in place, causing them to spark forever and be un-removeable.
- xboxone

Issue where dialogue will not activate when talking to a required character. Instead, it will say a random line. Ex: "Don't try anything, stranger." [verified]
Crashing, freezing and other hardware- or software-related issues
- pc

Upon returning to the game window after tabbing out, the screen may turn black. Audio can be heard but the game is otherwise unresponsive and requires a restart.[verified] In most cases, this is a failure of the graphics card drivers to re-initialize the game and the monitor enters sleep mode. Turning your monitor off, then on will fix it. - pc

When walking slightly past the East Boston Preparatory School in the direction of the Boston Airport, the game crashes to desktop. [verification overdue] - pc

When talking under water the game crashes.[verification overdue] - pc

When using multiple monitors with Nvidia SLI, the lower half of the view will have a dark band. [verification overdue] - pc

When using a single high resolution monitor (4k) with Nvidia SLI, the lower half of the view will have a dark band in certain situations (typically indoors, when there is a light source in view). [verification overdue] - pc

Disabling "Windowed" mode in settings with NVidia SLI enabled and using multiple monitors will cause crash on loading screen. [verification overdue] - pc

Moving power armor without parts to a power armor station then exiting and attempting to work on the power armor rig cause the game to crash to the desktop. [verification overdue] - pc

High FPS (over 110) can cause the character to become un-movable requiring a save reload after exiting a terminal. This bug may still occur with framerates under 110, but much less frequently. Some terminals are more inclined to produce this bug than others.[verification overdue] - Might be caused by exiting a terminal quickly.
- Happens less often if you cap the FPS with a video card utility. Start at 105FPS and try lower values if this persists. One way to do this is using nVidia Inspector, editing the xml file for custom FPS cap settings.
- Forcing V-Sync in the driver control panel may also fix this.
- pc

Game freezes when entering the Workshop Menu, forcing you to quit the game without saving. [verified] - pc

Game crashes to desktop or home screen when attempting to equip a companion with clothes that they are already wearing. [verified] - pc

Game can randomly lock up (image frozen and non-interactive) upon engaging in common actions like opening a container, unlocking a container, opening the Pip-Boy, entering workshop or entering VATS. The monitor screen itself is usually not frozen and the player can reach the desktop or task manager. Windows may behave normally while the game is locked, or it may become sluggish. The game unlocks after a while, but the problem gets worse and worse if play is continued, possibly leading to a hard freeze that does require rebooting the PC. [verified] - pc

When entering a building the game will start loading indefinitely.[verification overdue] - pc

The game may crash for no apparent reason when loading the game at the opening sequence. [verified] - pc

The game may crash to the desktop after leaving or entering Rocky cave and Cambridge Police Station for the first time. [verification overdue] - pc

The game may randomly crash after getting spat at by a Mirelurk Queen. [verified] - pc

The game may randomly freeze and stick on the loading screen, either while going in/out of buildings, or after clicking on the Map to travel. If you Ctrl/Alt/Delete and start 'Task Manager', then select Application 'Fallout4' then 'End Task', the game will not then reload, saying it is 'Already Running'. In the Processes tab, Fallout4 is still present, and quitting this may let the game reload, but usually the PC must be rebooted before reloading. [verification overdue] - xboxone

The game may randomly lock up upon exterior cells loading after extensive playtime ( i.e. 5+ hours ) or if xbox utilizes instant on function resulting in errors to possibly occur in the same way. Power cycle xbox if problem is consistent. [verification overdue] - pc

The game will begin to lag and show a dark screen with many white streaks when it rains. This usually means that your PC is unable to handle the graphics involved with rain.
Menu, HUD, and Inventory related bugs
- pc

Occasionally the Pip-Boy texture will fail to load, rendering the in-game menu invisible, but tooltips and keyboard controls continue to work. This can be fixed by reloading from a quicksave. Hitting the escape key twice on a PC also works. [verified] - If the Pip-Boy becomes invisible after you exit power armor, you can fix this by exiting the power armor, going to a workbench, transferring over whatever clothes the character is currently wearing, then get back into the power armor and exit it again. The Pip-Boy should now start working again and you can re-equip the clothes from the workstation.
- An alternative fix for the invisible Pip-Boy bug is to use the console to equip, and then un-equip all power armor in the game, and the reequip the Pip-Boy. As follows:
- Equip then remove all the available power armors:
- player.equipitem 3e577
- player.removeitem 3e577
- player.equipitem b1c09
- player.removeitem b1c09
- player.equipitem 140d7b
- player.removeitem 140d7b
- player.equipitem 1909d1
- player.removeitem 1909d1
- player.equipitem 1909d5
- player.removeitem 1909d5
- player.equipitem 1909d6
- player.removeitem 1909d6
- player.equipitem 198b13
- player.removeitem 198b13
- the arm should now show with out the Pip Boy, now equip the Pip Boy:
- pc

When saving, the last save file at the bottom of the list of save files will appear invisible. The second to last save will also appear duplicated.[verified] - pc

Interacting with a usable settlement object (ie. the Sole Survivor using a water pump) while in the command mode of a NPC, may result in it being impossible to cancel out of both the command mode and the animation. This UI-locked state persists through saving and loading, and the Pip-Boy cannot be used to fast travel away. Loading an earlier save will fix this. [verified] - pc

While using a controller, in the pip boy's map, the cursor gets stuck in the edge of the screen. The only solution is to change from a controller to a mouse and keyboard. [verified] - pc

In first-person view the player character's weapon may disappear from the screen, even though the weapon isn't holstered. The Pip-Boy interface may be invisible at this time as well. [verified] - Holstering/unholstering sometimes fixes it
- Switching to third-person then back to first-person will usually fix it
- Switching to another weapon will sometimes fix it
- Using V.A.T.S. on an enemy with any weapon can fix it as well.
- Using a scoped weapon (i.e. sniper) and looking down the scopes usually fixes it.
- Quicksaving & Quickloading will fix it.
- pc

After using a crafting station and exiting, the prompt to 'craft or transfer' will not appear until the player has moved the targeting indicator off of the crafting device, and moved it back. [verification overdue] - pc

Targeting Hud mod and using Berry Mentats (which have the effect of highlighting living creatures) may turn some NPCs, such as Paladin Brandis, Bobbi, Fahrenheit, Sinjin and the robots at General Atomics Galleria, hostile. [verification overdue] - pc

Targeting Hud mod may cause false caution when sneaking.(Fast traveling with this mod to Charles View Amphitheater seems to be the trigger of this bug) [verification overdue] - pc

When having any weapon viewed in the weapons tab like Experiment 18-A or Frag Grenade, the item rendering will rarely persist on the background in the Pip-Boy when you switch to other tabs or sections. [verified] - pc

If you have a lot of save files the intro movie and main menu may run at a low FPS (<10FPS). Opening the load/save menus in-game may also lag the game until the menu is closed. Culling the amount of save files can remedy this. [verified] - pc

Sometimes when opening up the pip-boy the tabs aside from Stats become unusable. Using keyboard hotkeys brings up specific tabs but they cannot be interacted with. Saving and reloading multiple times seems to fix the issue.[verification overdue] - pc

Equipping the targeting hud to the power armor helmet then exiting the power armor causes the targeting hud mod to still be active, highlighting living beings red outside of the armor. This persists even if the targeting mod is removed from the power armor. Another trigger for this bug is when a settler or companion enters your power armor (Tested on PS4)[verified] - pc

Sometimes when bartering, the interface will show up but won't list any items and attempting to exit may not work.[verified] - pc

When using an Xbox 360 controller, holding [BACK] to enter the workshop disables the ability to look up or down until [BACK] is released [verification overdue] - ps4

Diamond City Radio may stop playing, fixes include: waiting it off, tuning on another station, reloading a save via either quitting, pausing and turning the radio off, or sleeping for 24 hours in a bed. [verified] - pc

For seemingly no reason the character will not proceed to a crafting bench after activating it, instead the game will go into third person and the character will just stand there for a moment. If this happens while you are in third person it will render you unable to go back into first person unless you reload a save. [verified] - Using a different (working) crafting bench sometimes fixes the camera, though the original crafting bench will remain broken.
- pc

After exiting terminals, the player may be stuck and will only be able to turn their head. This occurs whenever the frame rate exceeds 120fps during the exit animation. Capping framerate manually or enabling V-Sync may help. [verified] - Note that the in-game, vsync implementation (iPresentInterval) is inaccurate, and will occasionally exceed its sync limit (eg. with a 115Hz screen mode, the frame rate can still briefly spike above 120). One workaround is to press TAB rapidly after exiting from the terminal, to bring up the Pip-Boy. This will skip the "terminal exit" animation.
- pc

When accessing a terminal on a desk, the camera will sometimes move forward too much and cause the player to clip through the terminal and stare at the inside of the machine. The terminal can be exited, but there may be no way to view the terminal on subsequent tries without clipping through it. [verified] - pc

When picking up legendary items you already have an exact duplicate of in your inventory, the 'showcase' screen will not appear (When picking up multiple legendary items, only one 'showcase' screen is shown) [verification overdue] - pc

Pressing enter just when you exit a terminal while in power armor will make the camera zoom to much so you can't see the screen. [verification overdue] - ps4

When you use the Pip-Boy, sometimes it won't allow you to exit out. [verified] - xboxone

Items collected or given from NPCs won't show popup notifications [verification overdue]
Ex. Turning in technical documents, the popup saying how many caps you received won't show up.
Physics engine glitches
- pc

Placing items on top of tables and desks, then leaving the apartment or building and coming back later shows the items stuck inside the table or desk sometimes falling all the way through. [verified] - pc

Dogmeat and Curie are able to push any non-static object out of the way when dashing, or moving to follow the player, including cars, which cannot be moved by the player even when wearing power armor. [verified] - ps4

It is possible to bump or drag non-static cars into settlements using any mid sized weapon dropped and then held with X. [verified] - ps4

When talking to a companion in a moving elevator it is possible for player character to fall through the floor and die. [verified] - Additionally, changing clothes or armor whilst in an elevator may generate the same fatal effect. [verified]
- [platforms tag needed] Also the same can happen by pausing the game for a while. [verification overdue]
- [platforms tag needed] Being melee hit by an enemy from underneath may cause the player, companion, or NPC to fly off at high velocity, usually stopping when a solid object is hit. [verification overdue]
- [platforms tag needed] Fusion cores don't have collision detection, meaning they fall through map if put on tables.[verification overdue]
- pc

Sinking through the floor in Prydwen main deck. Also all objects are clustered together, like doors, stairs, and people. Can't interact while falling.[verification overdue]
Graphics glitches
- pc

When using unsupported resolutions, such as a 5:4 monitor with 1280x1024 resolution, the lockpicking interface will be invisible. [verified] - This can be fixed by adding the following line to the "Interface" section of Fallout4.ini: fLockPositionY=100.0000.
- pc

When using ultra wide resolutions, such as a 21:9 monitor with 3440x1440 resolution many of the games menus and hud rendering elements will be either streched or chopped off, of note is the power armor UI which will only cover 60% of the screen. [verification overdue][platforms tag needed] This makes the game unplayable for those with a triple monitor setup, because it is impossible to name the character during the playable prologue (the "name" section is offscreen, therefore you cannot continue). [verification overdue] - pc

Rain will some times only show up when facing a certain direction. Example, while walking north rain effects were present, but facing south and there is no visible rain. [verified] - Sometimes, graphics in certain spots will simply become very low quality. [verification overdue][platforms tag needed]
- pc

During conversations (particularly if wearing power-armor) the camera will be inside the player, making the conversation impossible to see [verification overdue] - pc

when mirelurk eggs hatch in close quarters, the hatchling might clip through obstacles and appear in other rooms, or fall out of the map [verification overdue] - pc

When trying to scrap items in "Workshop mode", if you are close to a large body of water, sometimes a glitch will occur, where the body of water will places itself over the character, and when you exit workshop mode, you can see/hear the water all around the character. [verification overdue] - pc

Children get scaled to adult size, when being in an idle animation (where an NPC leans their back to a wall, with one bent leg resting against the wall), when they leave the animation they get slowly scaled back to child size. Seen on Meg. [verified] - pc

NPC's body is scaled, except its forearm (making the bug obvious), making it look fat. Seen on Deacon. [verified] - xboxone

Sometimes when excessively set on fire, the player character will glow red and the effect remains, even after saving and reloading. Removing clothing will still cause the effect to remain on any other exposed body parts, such as the head or hands. Reloading to a save before being set on fire fixes this. [verified] - ps4

Killing several enemies with a series of explosions, i.e. firing Big Boy at a car, will cause their necks to elongate. Seen with ghouls. [verified] - ps4

Some companions, like Hancock, will turn invisible. [verified] - pc

Some textures will appear colorful in squares, a.k.a. "rainbow textures."[verification overdue]
Effect bugs
Custom button-mapping bugs

Section needed This section is needed but has not been written yet. You can help Nukapedia by writing it. |
Non-player character-specific bugs
NOTE: Please place bugs specific to individual characters on their respective pages. This section is meant for bugs that apply broadly. Fallout 4 characters
- pc

Recruiting the level 4 settlement vendor found in Goodneighbor can result in glitching the vendor. He becomes unable to interact with the player and is stuck in a loop repeating the same line. Possible cause: not talking to him in Sanctuary Hills and assigning him a job[verified], or sending him to Sanctuary Hills then sending him to another location when he arrives. [verified] - pc

On PC latest patch, equipping settlement NPCs with armor then equipping them with the exact same armor that they are already wearing will cause an instant crash to desktop.[verification overdue] - pc

Companions may encounter issues where they will follow, but not run or fast travel. If they are too far from the player when entering a door, they will not follow through the door. The player can initiate speech but will not be able to enter companions inventory. [verified] - pc

NPCs will sometimes walk away from the player character mid conversation or even mid sentence. This will cause the conversation to end.[verified] - pc

Companions may begin to emit a sound loop as if they were using the sewing machine from the armor workbench. Save/load might solve the problem for around 20 seconds, then it returns. To fix it, command the companion to use an armor workbench and the sound should vanish. [verified] - pc

Sometimes settlers will get stuck in the "trade" mode. Constantly opening a trade window when you try to talk to them, locking out all other options. [verified] - Sometimes this bug will trigger when simply walking near the relevant NPC or shopkeeper. If the trade window opens while the player is already in another menu, such as a crafting window, both will be open at once. Attempting to exit the window will crash the game to the desktop. If you are experiencing the trade mode bug, exercise caution and save often.
- Can also affect companions who have been set as shopkeepers when returning to the relevant settlement, even when this companion is active.
- pc

All NPCs (including inactive companions, brahmin, traders, etc.) will occasionally become stuck in an idle standing position, not moving through the map or attending to their tasks. Ringing the bell seems to fix this. [verified] - This idle pose bug may also extend to hostile NPCs. Hostile NPCs can be talked to whilst frozen in this pose, and will taunt the player.
- pc

NPCs will spawn in a "T" pose, and they will not move nor fight. The corpses are not lootable, do not rag-doll, and can be shot at with vats and using iron sights. Their gibs can be looted. [verified] - pc

Likewise, when entering or exiting a different cell, companions may become stuck in sort of a "T" pose. They will continue to follow the player, but will glide just above the ground instead of walking normally. This seems to cure itself after a few seconds to a minute.[verified] - pc

Caravan brahmin with large cargo will occasionally spawn inside houses, and are too large to fit through the doorway to exit, blocking the path through the door.[verified] - ps4

Brahmin, caravan or otherwise, may also get stuck on a roof of one of the houses and remain stuck. [verified] - To fix this, fast travel away from the area or settlement, they will be unstuck upon your next visit to that location.
- pc

Some caravan guards spawn without clothes and end up escorting brahmin caravans in their undies with leather armor. [verified] - Pickpocketing their unequipped clothing and then reverse-pickpocketing it back onto them may cause them to equip the clothing on their next appearance.
- pc

Explosions can cause NPCs to be stuck at an angle instead of standing up straight, saving and reloading can fix this.[verification overdue] - pc

All settlers in a settlement will congregate at a random point. It seems like the crops are still managed but shopkeepers sometimes don't return to their shop, although it is still possible to shop with them. [verified] - If you build shack floors (the ones with the concrete) where they sometimes gather some settlers will get stuck inside. Removing the shack floor will set them free.
- pc

The companion will sometimes teleport to another floor of the building you are on [verified] - pc

Deathclaws in the glowing sea might clip through the ground (along with all their loot) if they are crouched low when killed, or curled up on the floor. [verified] - pc

Special trader settlers in some instances refuse to be recruited or go to a settlement. By using console commands they can be teleported into a settlement and assigned, but will wander off unless fenced into the trading area. [verification overdue] - pc

Companions and NPC characters will occasionally walk away while you are in a cinematic conversation with them, interrupting the dialogue and causing it to reset. [verified] - pc

Humanoid companions (Ex: Curie and Piper) sometimes disappear from the settlement they have been sent to, apparently vanishing from the map, requiring them to be teleported to the player with console commands. This may also occur when sending a settler to a settlement (Ex: Vault-Tec rep) [verified] - Companions often return to the original place you recruited them.
- pc

Companion kills result in the 'cash register' sound, but no XP is shown to be gained [verification overdue] - pc

A humanoid companion receiving incapacitating damage from falling while enemies are nearby may not regenerate health once the enemies are dispatched, but will be able to talk with the player as normal. Can be solved by: Entering combat and surviving. Reloading a previous save. Fast-traveling away to another location. Shooting/hitting companion until they collapse again, then stimpaking them. [verification overdue] - pc

If you instruct the companion to enter a power-armor suit that has a stealth-boy upgrade while you are wearing power-armor with life-detect, you will still see the companion's outline [verification overdue] - pc

Followers pathing is incorrect in side several buildings, not allowing them to move in or out of certain areas. Vault 81 radiation room would not allow any followers that went in to go back out. [verified] - pc

NPCs may randomly teleport to somewhere else, including inside the ground. This will fix itself when you reload the save file. [verification overdue] - pc

When the player sends a companion to another settlement and immediately enter a conversation with said companion, the camera will follow the companion as they run to their new location. This is fixed by exiting the conversation tree. [verification overdue] - pc

Settlers sometimes "reset", losing whatever gear was given to them by the player. This can also include roles they were assigned. [verified] - ps4

If you drop the Big Boy on the ground it will sometimes split into two parts. [verification overdue] - pc

Companions' path-finding will sometimes have them constantly rushing in front of you during a firefight, and have a strange knack for blocking almost every shot you make. They also have a bad habit of standing still in doorways during a fight. [verified] - ps4

After successfully repelling a settlement attack the settlers may just repeat their "thanks for the help" dialogue, only giving you the responses specific to that and not allowing you to trade gear or barter with vendors. To fix you have to leave and return to the settlement, sleeping does not seem to work. [verified] - To fix this, fast travel or run out of the area, wait 12-24 in game hours and then return to said settlement, they will behave normally again.
Quest-specific bugs
Please place quest specific bugs on their respective pages. (Fallout 4 quests)
Location-specific bugs
Please place location specific bugs on their respective page (Fallout 4 locations)
Companion app bugs
- pc

Local map is not shown at all. [verification overdue] - android

App will not progress past "PIPBOY" logo on Galaxy Tab 10.1 after being installed.[verification overdue]
Platform specific
Xbox One
- xboxone

If you lose health in Survival mode, then use a health item (Such as Purified Water), then switch back into Normal mode before it completely heals you, your health will still appear to regenerate slowly as if in Survival, but it will actually become negative. Any further effect on your character will kill them, negative or not. This includes eating food, taking a new perk, or acquiring a bobble head. This can also apply to any situation, regardless of the difficulty. [verified] - xboxone

This can be avoided by staying in Survival mode until the health item finishes its effect, then switching back after it's finished.
- xboxone

The player character doesn't speak, his/her dialogue is skipped entirely. Happened during a conversation with Preston Garvey, the animation turned to the player character but no animation or dialogue came out of him. [verified] - xboxone

If you try and start a new game while another one is still active, freezing will occur. [verification overdue] - Can be fixed by erasing all of the saved data for the profile that was freezing, then restarting the Xbox and start a new game with 1 account open. [verification overdue]
- Go to the Xbox One home, then when highlighting the game press the menu button then close the app, sign all profiles out then play normally with 1 account active [verification overdue]
- xboxone

Randomly, the XBOX ONE may freeze or kick you out to the load screen upon approach to General Atomics Galleria (usually when walking around the north side of the lake and coming upon the Galleria from the north). Often happens when there is a random enemy nearby to fight. [verification overdue] - xboxone

Damage can be miscalculated in VATS while hidden when sneaking. VATS will ignore the fact that the player is likely to be seen after the first hit and adds the sneak damage bonus to every hit in VATS. The real damage may actually be less than VATS calculates. [verification overdue] - xboxone

If you use 'pick pocket' to look at an NPC's inventory, it still counts in the stats as a pick-pocket, even if no items are taken [verification overdue] - xboxone

There is a bug while in workshop mode at Sanctuary where items are elevated while trying to place them, resulting in the inability to place items unless falling or at a lower position than target area.[verification overdue] - xboxone

There is a bug that causes all guns to do no damage including NPC guns. Reloading an old save or starting a whole new game will not fix this. This usually occurs after entering the Malden Drainage area near Taffington Boathouse, and exiting without opening the advanced terminal within. Fix - delete all saves that included this event, disconnect power to the XBox, wait 30 seconds and reconnect, allow cold reboot. Turn on and boot up Fallout 4, Reload from latest save and the glitch is gone. [verification overdue] - xboxone

When turning off the console, quitting the game, or opening another game or app the auto save will become corrupted, so it is advised to save regularly, and at the least have 1 back up save.[verification overdue] - February update resolve this issue - xboxone

When turning off the console, not the game, without opening any other game, app or quiting into the menu, and turning the console back on and opening the game, the game may stutter and drop frames to below 10 per second. Another common cause of this bug is loading a quicksave. This bug is fixed by fast traveling to any location. [verification overdue]
- Pressing Circle while the Workshop is open, as if trying to view the Pip-Boy, and then quickly exiting the Workshop will cause circle to lock up, making the Pip-boy unusable.[verified]
- Enter power armor, use VATS then exit to fix this issue.
- Entering VATS without power armor seems to fix this as well.
- Toggle between first and third person view to fix this issue.
- Unable to use Triangle, even after remapping.[verification overdue]
- You can create the supply line, but items from other settlements will not show in the supply list when transferring items , other settlements connected down the supply link will also be affected. It seems it occurs either when over 8 supply lines are connected to one another and or if you have a lot of items , it affects some of the settlements.[verified]
- Assigning a different settler to the same supply line may fix this.
- A gun weapon with a melee attachment, the action of the melee attack is different in first person that in third person. One sweeps the other lunges.[verified]
- A black screen occurs when using the Pip-Boy or terminals.[verified]
- Randomly when using the Pip-boy, the viewscreen may appear washed out as if a bright light were shining on it. Exiting then viewing the screen again often fixes this. [verified]
- Small guns will be held like big guns in conversations. [verified]
- Companions or quest givers have this glitch often.
- At the start of the game, the Vault Dweller may be teleported to the Kellogg's Memories location where you can't move.[verification overdue]
- pc

Volume shorts out at random times during gameplay.[verified] - pc

Inability to shoot after exiting build menu too fast.[verified] - pc

Occasionally when Alt+Tab/Esced out of the game after returning menus will occupy a smaller area of the screen and the cursor will be off point, also affects iron sights (points to the right of center). Quitting to desktop and reloading fixes.[verified] - pc

Inability to access Pip-Boy may be caused by Steam Overlay on PC version. If one accesses the Steam Overlay using a combination that includes the tab key, but exits the overlay with a different key combination (such as hitting the Esc key), the tab key will become unresponsive in-game. This can be fixed by opening, and then closing, the Steam Overlay with the selected key bindings.[verification overdue] - pc

For some users when using VATS, Workshop, or upgrading the power armor, the outline glow of a highlighted object will be replaced with a static glitch that takes up the whole screen and displays the same color as the normal outline would show.[verification overdue] - For some users, this bug can be fixed by updating video card graphics drivers.
- pc

Invisible Body Protection. [verification overdue] - pc

Mouse pointer fails to appear on main menu screen if a controller is plugged in, keyboard cannot be used, and disabling controller has no effect ("no" switches back to "yes" on the controller option in the menu). Can be remedied by unplugging the controller or changing bGamepadEnable=1 to 0 in Fallout4Prefs.ini. [verification overdue] - pc

There's a slight chance the game will delete the quicksave making you load an earlier quicksave when quickloading. This might happen if you try to load too fast after saving or load too many times from the same save.[verified] - pc

There is a chance when using a terminal, you can become stuck. The character will not be able to move, but can look around and jump. In order to avoid this glitch quicksave before using any terminal. This issue may be resolved by using console command tcl There are some places that require terminals to open not accessible because of this glitch.[verification overdue] - pc

There is a chance when in settlements, any movement commands you try to give the follower will be unreachable.[verification overdue] - pc

After defeating a group of powered raiders and trying to repair the raider armor. UI would glitch and not allow repairs of items that it 'auto' selected after finish repairs on another item. This glitch did not always persist if one selected another piece to fix, but sometimes a piece remained forever unable to be fixed until you reloaded from a save.[verification overdue] - pc

Tab key stops working when accessing the Steam overlay (Shift + Tab), you cannot access the Pipboy (or exit it). Accessing Steam overlay and exiting with Shift + Tab fixes this.[verification overdue] - Going into the trade menu and clicking the "TAB)EXIT" button on the bottom can fix this.
- pc

Tabbing out of the window will sometimes cause the player to throw a grenade or eject a fusion core unless they had a menu or the console open. [verification overdue] - pc

Moving the mouse too quickly while outside of menus, such as in combat looking for enemies, may cause the cursor to leave the game window and pause the game when attempting to fire.[verification overdue]
- When riding a vertibird the gun may disappear. [verified]
- pc

When riding a vertibird there is no control to jump out. [verified]
- ↑ Steam 1.5 beta patch notes
- ↑ Bethesda forum topic: Huge Gamepad issue
Fallout 4 achievements and trophies | Fallout Wiki
v·d·eFallout 4 overviews | - Achievements
- Add-ons
- Bugs
- Exploits
- Characters
- Companions
- Merchants
- Doctors
- Console commands
- Crafting
- Creatures
- Endings
- Factions
| | Items - Ammunition
- Armor & clothing
- Power armor
- Armor mods
- Bobbleheads
- Consumables
- Holodisks & notes
- Keys
- Magazines
- Weapons
- Weapon mods
- Misc items
- Junk items
- Robot mods
| | Locations Quests Radio stations Robots & computers SPECIAL - Class
- Primary statistics
- Derived statistics
- Perks
- Action Points
- V.A.T.S.
Random encounters |
This page lists all achievements and trophies in Fallout 4. |
- The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles.
- For achievements and trophies in other Fallout games, please see "Achievements and trophies".
- For an overview of Fallout 4 content, please refer to "Portal:Fallout 4".

General information
Achievements are medals or rewards given for accomplishing a specific task or tasks. Depending on your gaming platform of choice, along with the achievement itself, you will receive either Gamer Score (Xbox One), or a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Trophy (Playstation 4).
A save file with mods enabled (indicated by the [M] prefix) is not allowed to earn achievements or trophies, although several PC mods have been made that allow modded save files to earn achievements.
Achievements and trophies
Main quests
Achievement Description Achievement points/ Gamer Score Trophy type PC/PS4 Image Xbox Image
War Never Changes | Enter the wasteland | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
When Freedom Calls | Complete "When Freedom Calls" | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Unlikely Valentine | Complete "Unlikely Valentine" | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Reunions | Complete "Reunions" | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Dangerous Minds | Complete "Dangerous Minds" | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Hunter/Hunted | Complete "Hunter/Hunted" | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
The Molecular Level | Complete The Molecular Level | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
The Nuclear Option | Complete "The Nuclear Option" | 30 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Prepared for the Future | Decide the fate of the Commonwealth | 50 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Achievement Description Achievement points/ Gamer Score Trophy type PC/PS4 Image Xbox Image
Institutionalized | Complete "Institutionalized" | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Mankind - Redefined | Complete "Mankind - Redefined" | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Powering Up | Complete "Powering Up" | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Nuclear Family | Complete "Nuclear Family" | 30 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Achievement Description Achievement points/ Gamer Score Trophy type PC/PS4 Image Xbox Image
The First Step | Join The Minutemen | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Taking Independence | Complete "Taking Independence" | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Old Guns | Complete "Old Guns" | 30 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Brotherhood of Steel
Achievement Description Achievement points/ Gamer Score Trophy type PC/PS4 Image Xbox Image
Semper Invicta | Join the Brotherhood of Steel | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Blind Betrayal | Complete "Blind Betrayal" | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Ad Victoriam | Complete "Ad Victoriam" | 30 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Achievement Description Achievement points/ Gamer Score Trophy type PC/PS4 Image Xbox Image
Tradecraft | Join The Railroad | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Underground Undercover | Complete "Underground Undercover" | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Rockets' Red Glare | Complete "Rockets' Red Glare" | 30 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Achievement Description Achievement points/ Gamer Score Trophy type PC/PS4 Image Xbox Image
Sanctuary | Complete "Sanctuary" | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Community Organizer | Become allied with 3 different settlements | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Benevolent Leader | Reach maximum happiness in a large settlement | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Achievement Description Achievement points/ Gamer Score Trophy type PC/PS4 Image Xbox Image
Gun-For-Hire | Complete 10 side quests | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Mercenary | Complete 50 miscellaneous objectives | 30 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Scavver | Gather 1000 resources used for crafting | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
What's Yours Is Mine | Pick 50 locks | 30 gamerscore |  |  |  |
RobCo's Worst Nightmare | Hack 50 terminals | 30 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Armed and Dangerous | Create 50 weapon mods | 30 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Wasteland D.I.Y. | Craft 100 items | 30 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Never Go It Alone | Recruit 5 separate companions | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Lovable | Reach maximum relationship level with a companion | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Fix-Er-Upper | Build 100 workshop items | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Future Retro | Play a holotape game | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
...The Harder They Fall | Kill 5 giant creatures | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Ranger Corps | Discover 100 locations | 40 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Print's Not Dead | Read 20 magazines | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Prankster's Return | Place a grenade or mine while pickpocketing | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Masshole | Kill 300 people | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Animal Control | Kill 300 creatures | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Homerun! | Score a homerun | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Touchdown! | Get a Touchdown | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
They're Not Dolls... | Collect 10 Vault-Tec bobbleheads | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
...They're Action Figures | Collect 20 Vault-Tec bobbleheads | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Born Survivor | Reach Level 5 | 5 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Commonwealth Citizen | Reach Level 10 | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Unstoppable Wanderer | Reach level 25 | 25 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Legend of the Wastes | Reach Level 50 | 50 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Platinum Trophy(PS4 only) | Collect all other 50 trophies for this trophy | None |  |  | |
Add-on achievements and trophies
Name Requirement Achievement points Trophy type PC/PS4 Image Xbox Image
Mechanical Menace | Complete Mechanical Menace | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Headhunting | Complete Headhunting | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Restoring Order | Complete Restoring Order | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Robot Hunter | Unlock 10 Robot Mods | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
The Most Toys | Build 10 Robot Mods | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Wasteland Workshop
Name Requirement Achievement points Trophy type PC/PS4 Image Xbox Image
Docile | Have 5 tamed creatures in a settlement | 15 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Instigator | Start a spectated arena fight in a settlement | 15 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Trapper | Build one of every cage type | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Far Harbor
Name Requirement Achievement points Trophy type PC/PS4 Image Xbox Image
New England Vacationer | Discover 20 Far Harbor locations | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Hooked | Defeat 30 Far Harbor sea creatures | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Push Back the Fog | Unlock 3 Far Harbor Workshop locations | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Just Add Saltwater | Cook one of the new Far Harbor recipes | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
The Islander's Almanac | Collect all issues of the "Islander's Almanac" magazine | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Cleansing the Land | Complete the quest "Cleansing the Land" | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Far From Home | Complete the quest "Far from Home" | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Where You Belong | Complete the quest "Where You Belong" | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
The Way Life Should Be | Complete the quest "The Way Life Should Be" | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Close to Home | Complete the quest "Close to Home" | 50 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Contraptions Workshop
Name Requirement Achievement points Trophy type PC/PS4 Image Xbox Image
Time Out | Assign a settler to a pillory | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Show Off | Display a weapon on a weapon rack, armor on an armor rack, and power armor in a power armor display. | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Mass Production | Produce 100 objects from your builders | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Vault-Tec Workshop
Name Requirement Achievement points Trophy type PC/PS4 Image Xbox Image
Better Living Underground | Unlock all build areas of Vault 88 | 15 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Oversight | Become Overseer | 15 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Vault Dweller | Equip Vault 88 suit and Pip-Boy on a settler | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Name Requirement Achievement points Trophy type PC/PS4 Image Xbox Image
Taken for a Ride | Complete "Taken for a Ride" | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Beverageer | Create 20 different flavors of Nuka-Cola | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Raiding for a Living | Complete 12 quests for any Nuka-World Raider Gangs | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Diebrarian | Collect every issue of SCAV! Magazine | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Hostile Takeover | Establish 8 Raider camps in The Commonwealth | 10 gamerscore |  |  |  |
The Grand Tour | Complete "The Grand Tour" | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Home Sweet Home | Complete "Home Sweet Home" | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Eyes on the Prize | Redeem 100,000 tickets at the Nuka-Cade | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
All Sugared Up | Defeat 40 Nuka-World creatures while under the effect of any Nuka-Mix flavor | 20 gamerscore |  |  |  |
Power Play | Complete "Power Play" | 30 gamerscore |  |  |  |
External links
- Steam achievement stats
- Xbox achievement stats
- Playstation trophy stats
Fallout 4 companions | Fallout Wiki

For companions in other Fallout games, see companion. |
This page lists all companions in Fallout 4. |
- The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles.
- For companions in other Fallout games, please see "Companion".
- For an overview of Fallout 4 content, please refer to "Portal:Fallout 4".
Permanent companions
The base game has 13 companions:
Image Name Location Prerequisites Base S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Hit Points Personal Quest Perk Romance
 | Cait | Combat Zone | Ask her to join after clearing the Combat Zone | 5 ST, 10 PE, 7 EN, 7 CH, 7 IN, 10 AG, 7 LK | 185 + ([Player Level - 10] x 5) | Benign Intervention | Trigger Rush | yes |
 | Codsworth | Sanctuary Hills | Ask him to join after visiting Concord in the quest Out of Time | 9 ST, 10 PE, 7 EN, 7 CH, 16 IN, 10 AG, 7 LK | 195 + ([Player Level - 10] x 5) | | Robot Sympathy | no |
 | Curie | Vault 81 | Complete the quest Hole in the Wall | 5 ST, 4 PE, 4 EN, 4 CH, 4 IN, 4 AG, 4 LK (Synth)4 ST, 4 PE, 4 EN, 4 CH, 11 IN, 4 AG, 4 LK (Miss Nanny) | 440 (Miss Nanny)670 (Synth) | Emergent Behavior | Combat Medic | yes |
 | Paladin Danse | Cambridge police stationThe Prydwen (after Shadow of Steel) | Upon receiving the quest Tour of Duty | 5 ST, 10 PE, 8 EN, 8 CH, 8 IN, 10 AG, 7 LK | 185 + ([Player Level - 10] x 5) | Blind Betrayal | Know Your Enemy | yes |
 | Deacon | Railroad HQ | Complete Tradecraft and join The Railroad | 5 ST, 10 PE, 7 EN, 9 CH, 8 IN, 10 AG, 8 LK | 185 + ([Player Level - 10] x 5) | | Cloak & Dagger | no |
 | Dogmeat | Red Rocket truck stop | Ask him to join | 4 ST, 14 PE, 4 EN, 4 CH, 8 IN, 14 AG, 4 LK | 150 + ([Player Level - 1] x 5) | | Attack Dog | no |
 | John Hancock | Old State House in Goodneighbor | Ask him to join after completing The Big Dig (if sided with Bobbi No-Nose, after completing Recruiting Hancock) | 5 ST, 10 PE, 8 EN, 9 CH, 14 IN, 10 AG, 8 LK | 185 + ([Player Level - 10] x 5) | | Isodoped | yes |
 | Robert Joseph MacCready | The Third Rail in Goodneighbor | Hire him for 250 caps or 200 (Easy speech check) | 5 ST, 10 PE, 4 EN, 6 CH, 7 IN, 5 AG, 5 LK | 185 + ([Player Level - 10] x 5) | Long Road Ahead | Killshot | yes |
 | Nick Valentine | Vault 114Diamond City after Unlikely Valentine | Complete Getting a Clue | 5 ST, 7 PE, 8 EN, 8 CH, 16 IN, 10 AG, 8 LK | 225 + ([Player Level - 10] x 5) | Long Time Coming | Close to Metal | no |
 | Piper Wright | Diamond City | Complete Story of the Century | 5 ST, 10 PE, 7 EN, 10 CH, 8 IN, 10 AG, 8 LK | 185 + ([Player Level - 10] x 5) | | Gift of Gab | yes |
 | Preston Garvey | Museum of FreedomSanctuary Hills (after When Freedom Calls | Complete The First Step | 5 ST, 10 PE, 7 EN, 9 CH, 8 IN, 10 AG, 8 LK | 185 + ([Player Level - 10] x 5) | | United We Stand | yes |
 | Strong | Trinity Tower | Ask him to join after Curtain Call | 24 ST, 12 PE, 8 EN, 1 CH, 6 IN, 18 AG, 1 LK | 245 + ([Player Level - 10] x 5) | | Berserk | no |
 | X6-88 | The Institute | Join the Institute and complete Mankind - Redefined | 16 ST, 18 PE, 17 EN, 8 CH, 10 IN, 18 AG, 8 LK | 185 + ([Player Level - 10] x 5) | | Shield Harmonics | no |
Automatron companions
Image Name Location Prerequisites Base S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Hit Points Personal Quest Perk Romance
 | Ada | Variable | Save her after an attack on her caravan | 9 ST, 5 PE, 1 EN, 1 CH, 7 IN, 10 AG, 1 LK | Variable | Automatron quest line | None | no |
 | Automatron | N/A | N/A | 9 ST, 5 PE, ? EN, ? CH, ? IN, 10 AG, ? LK | Variable | None | None | no |
Far Harbor companions
Nuka-World companions
Temporary companions
The game has a number of temporary companions that will only be available during certain quests.
Companion affinity is gained and lost with two varying degrees for both. Here is how the table below represents those changes:
- Unlike Fallout 3, companions are marked as "essential" when acting as active companions, meaning they cannot be killed. If incapacitated, they will automatically heal after combat ends.
- If one is playing in Survival mode, the companion must be healed when incapacitated, even after combat. If they're not healed within a set period of time, or when the player travels beyond a certain distance, they will leave and return to their last used home base.
- Some companions lose their essential status when dismissed. They do, however, remain protected like other settlers and cannot be killed by NPC attacks (only by the player or their active companion or related action)
- Some companions lose their essential status upon reaching the lowest level of affinity and leaving the player character.
- If the Sole Survivor fires a weapon in a settlement, any companions present in that settlement will often become annoyed and make backbiting comments on how that is best saved for another time. This does not count as a disapproval.
- If the player character murders an innocent, their affinity with their current companion will drop by 10% and will trigger dialogue with the player character expressing anger and warning them to never do it again. They may also leave the player character instead of speaking to them. They will refuse to speak to the player character at first, but after a few days, the companion will be able to travel again. Should the player character ignore this warning and repeat a murder, companions will permanently leave. This applies to every companion except Strong, as he likes murder. Dogmeat, Ada, and automatrons are neutral about murder.
- Depending on what kind of innocent murdered, the companion may even become hostile towards the player character. For example, Piper and Nick will turn hostile if a DC guard is killed, while Hancock will turn hostile if a Goodneighbor guard is killed.
- Companions will give different thoughts and relationship statuses depending on their relationship with the player character. They will also differ in attitude when dismissing them or asking them to join. These comments can be hateful, disdainful, neutral, admirable, generous, and for romantic companions, affectionate.
- Raising or dropping a companion's affinity to a certain amount will trigger unique dialogue with the player character. Positive affinity will reveal some of the companion's background and how they ended up here. When reaching idolization, the companion will admit to having the player character being their best friend. Negative affinity results in disappointed companions asking the Sole Survivor to change their ways. When reaching hatred, the companion will threaten to leave for good. A moderate persuasion check can convince them to give the player character one more chance. If the persuasion was successful, but the affinity still goes down, the companion will eventually snap and leave for good. This applies to every companion except for Dogmeat, Ada, and an automatron.
- Companions can be directed and can have more options if they like the Sole Survivor a lot, whether being a human, a synth, a dog or a robot. This is influenced by how the Survivor approaches quests and talks to other people.
- Humanoid companions can be ordered to use power armor; to do so one needs to "command" the companion to simply enter the armor. Whether the armor is racked or not, they will walk up to it and enter it. One has to be standing a bit away from the armor; if too close, the command option will change to "enter" and if hitting the activate button, the Sole Survivor will mount the power armor instead.
- To get a companion out of power armor simply talk to them and there will be a dialogue option to ask them to get out of it.
- When the companion is dismissed they will return to the designated "home" wearing the armor, and will continue to wear it until telling them to exit their power armor suit. Sometimes one may find the dismissed companion in the settlement sent to without their power armor. In that case, look around the settlement for the power armor suit as the companion may have exited it and left it somewhere in the settlement. The larger the settlement, the longer or more difficult the search for the lost armor suit may be.
- To make a companion not leave the power armor at the settlement, make sure both the power armor and the companion is equipped with a fully charges fusion core. (It might also help assigning them guard duty, so they don't go to sleep)
- Humanoid companions can wear power armor without needing a fusion core. If removing the fusion core from the suit, they may still enter it and never need a fusion core. It is unclear if this is intended behavior.
- Humanoid companions can also be equipped with weapons and armor of the choice. To do so, go to the trade dialogue option and place whatever items the player character wants them to use or wear in their inventory. Then, in their inventory, press the button to "equip" the item(s). Weapons equipped must also have an ammunition supply, so they must be provided with the ammo type the weapon requires. Even weapons that use the same ammunition as a companion's default weapon must have ammunition supplied.
- There are some exceptions to this rule: Paladin Danse cannot wear anything other than headgear as long as he has his power armor, Codsworth can wear certain hats, Nick Valentine will only wear his trenchcoat (although an extra one is given to the player character. This one can be modified and equipped on Nick) or he can wear the High Confessor Tektus' robes from the Far Harbor add-on, Dogmeat can wear dog armor, bandanas and eyewear.
- Humanoid companions can and will use all types of grenades when equipped with them. While they possess remarkable skill and are fully capable of hitting even moving targets with astounding accuracy, they are completely oblivious of any collateral damage they might inflict on allies caught in the blast radius, the Sole Survivor included. Investing at least one point in the Inspirational perk is therefore recommended before equipping companions with grenades or any explosive weapon for that matter.
- All companions have a carry capacity of 150, except Strong with 200, and Danse with 210.[1] Note that this is changed substantially in Survival mode, causing many companions to be able to carry little more than their own armor and weapons.
- It is possible to make companions wear pocketed or deep pocketed armor to increase their carrying capacity by +30 or +60, respectively.
- Companion carry capacity can be increased by +10 by acquiring Live & Love Issue #3.
- A trick can be used to push a companion past their carry capacity. Companions can always be commanded to pick up items or loot containers & bodies, even when at or beyond capacity. Note when commanding them to loot containers & bodies they will only grab one item at a time, so one may need to command them repeatedly. Once at or beyond capacity, it will not be possible to give them items any other way.
- Dogmeat does not count as a companion for the purposes of the Lone Wanderer perk, therefore the Survivor can adventure with him and keep the benefits of the perk.
- Traveling with a companion bestows the player character with an inherent 5% bonus to all Experience gained. This bonus can be further increased by acquiring Live & Love Issue #8. These bonuses are multiplicative with other experience bonuses such as Intelligence and Gift of Gab.
- When choosing a location to send a dismissed companion, selecting 'Cancel' will not cancel the dismissal, but will instead send them back to the last location they were sent to when dismissed. If no settlement has ever been selected, the companion will be sent to their original location rather than a settlement.
- If one accidentally dismisses a companion, just walk up to them again and ask them to re-join. One must also confirm the companion's desire to re-join after asking.
- Danse, Deacon and X6-88 are the only companions who can be killed by the Sole Survivor if they're not following the Survivor.
- Perks gained from companions are permanent. This holds true regardless of the status of the companion (e.g. hostile towards the player character, dead, etc.).
- It is impossible to complete the main story of Fallout 4 and keep all companions (so if one wants to get all companion perks a few must be done before comepleting the main quest).
- Companions can be tracked down using the Vault-Tec Population Management System introduced in the Vault-Tec Workshop add-on.
- Some pacifist companions, like Curie and Piper will still have their affinity raised when asking them to wait while fighting enemies alone in that same area. On contrast, aggressive companions, like MacCready, will only have their affinity raised if they are directly in contact with the enemies together with the player character.
- Most companions complain when picking up junk, however Old Longfellow will praise the player character and even have his affinity raised. Piper will complement the player character's ability to find a use for junk but does not gain any affinity.
- pc

A companion may become stuck in a reference pose position, flying around unanimated about 1-2 feet off the ground following the player character. The companion can be spoken with and interacted with in a normal manner, however the companion will not fight. Even loading a new area by going through a door will not fix this behavior.[verified] - One potential fix is to fast travel to another location.
- Another fix is to dismiss the companion. The companion can be re-recruited back.
- pc

Certain sound effects can get "stuck" to companions and continue to play after said companion quit performing the respective action. Known examples include the sound of wielding a Ripper, firing a Gauss rifle and using the weapon bench's drill. When the bug occurs it follows the companion around, waxing and waning depending on their distance, and can neither be stopped by fast-traveling, reloading or taking the weapon away from them. It can, however, be fixed by closing and restarting the game. It is currently unknown what exactly causes the bug. [verified] - Should the Ripper sound be playing over and over, having the companion use the weapon again may fix the bug. [verified]
- If a companion has the drilling-sound glitch from an armor workbench or weapon workbenches, allowing them to re-use the corresponding workbench from where the glitched sound is and let them end its use by themselves without interruptions, the sound glitch should stop and be fixed.
- ps4

Ada may remain with you even though you have just selected dismiss in dialogue, as well as the option of settlement won't pop up. [verified] - One solution is to restart the game.
- Another solution is to acquire a different companion.
- ps4

When sending a companion to another settlement using the workshop he/ she will not go there straight away, and bringing the settlement choices back up will show the place still as an option to where they can be sent. [verification overdue] - A fix for this is to turn the game off, then reloading the save.
- Another fix is to fast travel to a different place and sleep in a bed and return.
- ↑ Companion information, Reddit